
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Factory Tour... kind of

We have started to make our "China bucket list" as we will leave China in July to move back to America.  One thing that I really want to do before we leave is a factory tour. 
Wes' good friend, Wyatt, just started working for a company called Innovation that makes green pig feed.  We told him that we would love to see more about his company ... and he offered a tour.  So... here we are in the back of a private car... on our way to "tour" the factory

Here are Wes and Wyatt in the company foyer. 

We went up and meet the Vice President of the company.  He proceeded to tell us about the company history and even showed us the patents they have with the Chinese governement.  We asked if we could tour the factory... and an uncomfortable hush fell over the room.  In Chinese the VP told Wyatt that we could not tour the factory because the fear we might "steal" their secrets.  This was HILARIOUS to me!!!  Here we are just English teachers in China... could care less about green pig feed secrets... but in his mind we might steal the secrets for America.  haha
So instead we were allowed to see the outside and the store room for the feed.  Here we are outside the factory.

And here are the store rooms...

Next we went to the slaughter house.  Talk about stinky.  This is where the pigs die.  See the blood on the floor. 

And here are the pigs that will die ... SOON. 

Poor Parker was pooped... so he took a little nap.  He missed the pigs, smell and well... that's about it.

It wasn't quite the factory tour that I was hoping for... but that's ok.  We tried.  It reminds me ... regarding life in China-- ALWAYS lower your expectations and you won't be disappointed.
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