
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Really Blessed... Super Cute... Into EVERYTHING

My sweet friend, Faith, graciously gave us all of Parker's clothing for the first year.  It has been SUCH a blessing.  Just about every morning while I am dressing P, I thank the Father for Faith and her generosity.  She passed along SO many cute clothes.  I have been really excited about the warmer weather and 6-9 month clothing specifically because of the outfit above--  Hungry Caterpillar overalls.  It is SUPER cute!! 
I also can't believe how big he looks in this picture!! 
He is getting into everything.  He can now "battle-field crawl"- named by Wes, walk holding my hands and manevour his walker around the entire apartment.  I have learned (maybe the hard way) ... if I don't want him to touch it, put it in his mouth or grab at it... put it away!  :) 
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