
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Parker Stephen Thomas-- The short story

Here is the short(ish) story of Parker's birth... detailed version to come.

We welcomed our first son into the world on August 26, 2011 at 1:34 am (after a long 20 hour labor) He weighed 7 pounds 3 oz and 19.5 inches long. Amazing love at first sight. Wes was the best labor coach I could have ever imagined. He didn't leave my side and encouraged me the whole time. There were several moments I didn't know if I could even take another breath but the Father consistently reminded me He was with me. We were also blessed with an amazing nurse- Jason. He was super compassionate, caring and a great cheerleader during pushing. He is also expecting a son in 5 weeks... I know his wife will do great with him by her side.

My parents came to the hospital at 5:30 am on August 25 and stayed the entire labor and delivery. I felt so supported. I know it wasn't easy for my dad and mom to see me in so much pain... but they (as they have for my whole life) were by my side. They let Wes coach and encourage me... and they encouraged Wes. What an amazing team!!

Parker is an amazing baby. He loves to sleep... sometimes I wonder if he would ever wake up to eat-- as we generally wake him up by tickling, rubbing, stripping him down to his diaper... Every time I look at him... I can't believe it. We are incredibly blessed. His favorite spot is on Mommy's chest curled in the same position he was in the womb.

More pictures to come ... my dad has great pictures on his camera-- I will try to post them soon... (soon being a relative term for a brand new Mommy)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 14. Post an outfit pic!

Couldn't think of a better outfit than the one you feel like a princess in and get to wear just once!

Day 13. A YouTube video

Love this video called "Dancing on the Train"
It makes me smile. :-)
These two guys were part of the ELI program CTF. Love the reaction of all the Chinese!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.

My own thinking :-)
My brain really is like spaghetti-- one thought connects to another ... to another... to another- just like a giant bowl of noodles.
A verse to keep this under control--
Matthew 6:34 Therefore - DO NOT worry about tomorrow
Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus

Fun Things for the Baby

Stuffed Animal Friends
Lion outfit for the winter- two things are for sure... I won't have a cold baby and I won't have a Chinese granny pinching my baby and then scolding me for being a "bad mother"

Bumbo Seat!!

Car Seat for America -- no this one won't come back to China with us... but they won't let us bring our baby home from the hospital in America without it :-)

PeaPod-- an essential according to other ELI moms


One of my students at Hengyang Normal University had the opportunity to come for America on a summer work program. He is living and working in West Virginia. This past weekend-- he made his way down to NC to see Wes and I. It was so much fun to see him, hear about his experience and how the Father has transformed his life!!

We ate lunch at Golden Corral to give him a solid taste of Americanism. He still like Chinese food better and missed Hengyang food. Wes can sympathize... he has been craving pork and peppers and eggplant in fish sauce :-)