
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Precious Niece

I totally dropped the ball on this blog post... but I am super excited to say-- I am an Aunt to the most beautiful little girl :) My sister, Ashley had a beautiful baby girl, Lexie Claire in Janruary!
I was able to skype in with Ashley while she was in labor and then after Lexie was born. It's not the same as being there... but PTL for skype!!

Lexie and Salomon

Isn't she beautiful!!

I can't wait to hold her :)

Here she is one month old-- already like her Momma - playing the piano.

Sweet little face. I can't wait for Parker and Lexie to play together!!

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Barry

Barry Thomas, is celebrating 61 years today. I know I don't get everyone a special birthday message on the blog (please don't feel left out) but I wanted to send out a message to my favorite father-in-law.

My Baby is 6 Months Old

I can't believe that Parker is 6 months old!!
He continues to be an amazing little child. Our Chinese colleagues often say things like "American babys are so much better than Chinese babies" or "American baby don't cry like Chinese babies" I don't know about American vs. Chinese... but I do know the Father blessed us with an amazing child! He is so smiley and full of giggles.

I have the extreme pleasure of staying home with Parker while Wes teaches classes. I feel so blessed to be able to be with Parker all the time. The days go by so fast. He generally wakes up at 6:00 for an early breakfast. I will fed him and then put him back to bed. Generally, I will get up and read the Book, drink coffee, workout and shower before it is time for his 9:00 feeding. After he eats ... we play. It is so much fun. Wes and I set up a play area in the living room. Normally, we take out ALL the toys. Parker can sit up on his own and play ... by play I mean put things in his mouth. We will play until 10:30 and then he take another nap. 12:00 is lunch time :) He eat then we play some more until another nap time :)
He is sleeping through the night from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. Love this-- Thank you Baby Wise :)
Fun things that he has started doing in the last month--
- Talking-- saying "dada" He started talking while we were in Thailand. It is the cutest thing in the whole world. Newest sounds "mmmmmmmmmmm" :)
- Sitting up on his own
- Giving kisses. He has been doing this for a while... but more recently he will grab my face and pull it to his for a kiss.
- LOVES to hang upside down
- OK... so I think that everything he does is fun and super cute... even his poopie diapers are cute :)

Love this picture with Wes because Parker is almost winking ;)

Bear Bear is his FAVORITE toy. We got him this bear for Christmas and for whatever reason there was an immediate bond. One of our friends that lives in a city with Ikea -- just went and bought us a back-up bear bear... just in case :)

OH and we are starting Rice Cereal today... if I can figure it out... I will try to post a video. :)
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Sausage making in China

Thanks to a website - Market to Meal - I was inspired to make sausage. This is the 3rd time I have done it successfully... so I thought I would share. I add my own little things to make it special.

2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp parsley
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 basil
1/2 tsp fennel seed
1/2 tsp sage
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/8 tsp (or so) Cheyenne powder

Ground Pork- (mine here is about 1 pound)

Then the yucky part-- squishing your fingers through the meat to mix the spices.

Then make it into patties, ground it, freeze it for later... whatever you like.
Wes loves it any way on a biscuit.

My biscuit recipe- (altered from Market to Meal and Wycliffe cookbook)

2 cups flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cup milk
1/4 cup oil

Mix dry ingredients. Measure milk and oil in the same measuring cup (put in milk first... then oil on top of milk measuring to 1 and 1/4 liquids)
Stir in liquids to dry ingredients. Don't over mix
Roll out on a flour surface.

Bake at 220 C for about 10-12 minutes. YUMMY!! According to Wes (a biscuit man) they are better than Hardees :)
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cancer Milk??

A little bit about our common life here in China.
The month of February, Wes and I have been living on a mao (or a dime) Our school couldn't pay us income on-time for some reason or another... so we have been pinching our jiaos (coin monies) We didn't go to the big supermarket- but rather bought items as we need them (right before cooking) around our apartment. A couple times I sent Wes out with a list of veggies and then sometimes a box of milk... followed by - NOT THE CANCER MILK :) haha. I am sure this is NEVER a phrase you have used in America, the UK or Australia, but it has become a common phrase in our house :) haha.
Why you might ask?? What is this cancer milk??
Recently there was a new story about one of China's largest suppliers of milk ... the milk has been tainted with cancer causing toxins. YIKES.
Check out the story-
Cancer Milk story

Goals ... February

It is really hard to believe that we are just about to the third month of the year!! What happened to January and February? It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas/New Year ... well at times it seems like yesterday I was 24 years old :) (I don't know why this number has stuck with me... but often I still think I am 24 :) haha
Anyways, since February is just about gone... I have done a look back and evaluation on my goals for 2012.
I just looked back at January and saw that I only updated you on my reading list (as I have the goal to read at least one fiction and non-fiction each month- no sandbagging or carry forwards) BUT I have other goals too. So a brief run through
Bible reading - Goal - Read through New Testament in 4 months. As of today, I am starting on Romans... on track to finish.
Memory work- not going great... need work in this area. - Goal - Memorize Romans 12:9-21 (equals out to about a verse a month)
Healthy living (including but not limited to weight loss) The month of January, I lost 5 pounds. February - I have consistently worked out every other day with Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred BUT I have done terrible in drinking water... so looking to March- I have set the goal to drink two Nalgene bottles of water a day.
Reading- For some reason, I have been on a non-fiction kick (surprise surprise- some of you know I devour fiction but get less than excited over non-fiction) BUT ... I have some great recommendations for you in the non-fiction department-

Behind the Veils of Yemen

Great read... I read this in about 2 days. It is more about Audra's experiences and life in Yemen then about what is behind the veil... BUT there is a lot of encouragement to get from this book...I really enjoying reading her story.

Warrior Prayers
This is an excellent book full of things to pray for your children. The author doesn't include many stories but rather a lot about how we need to pray Scripture for our boys. I highly recommend this book for reading... but more than reading... implementing into your prayer life.

Silent Tears

This is a collections of journal and blog entries from a lady that volunteers in a Chinese orphanage for 4 years. I loved reading about her culture experiences (can totally relate sometimes) and how she longed to make a difference in the lives of helpless children. It is heart-wrenching but very true look at what a government-owned orphanage is like.
There are 3 non-fiction for you. My fiction book was a great "beach" I read number 5 in the Shop-a-holic series. I don't highly recommend but it is cute and will give you some chuckles if you have read other in the series :)

So there you have it.
How are you doing on your goals? If you have already fell behind-- just pick them up again and start over... don't quit.

Friday, February 24, 2012

New Toy

Some of our friends that live in a big city in China helped us get Parker a new toy :) Cosco walker-- a welcomed addition. When we got home from Thailand, Parker made it clear that he wasn't having anything to do with his bouncy seat... gone were the days of him sitting contently while I cook dinner or washed clothes.
So... the solution (since it is not great to hold a little squimmy one while stir-frying veggies) a walker. Parker LOVES it. He can only move backwards right now. We will put toys on the tray for him to play with... he loves to throw them on the floor and then look at them and squeel. He will often back himself into another room.
The look on his face silently displays his new noise. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" (while sucking in his bottom lip)
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meet Christine

I mentioned that I would blog about the sweet person that volunteered to send me Cinnamon... and here she is :)
Christine (I took this photo from her facebook page)
Isn't she beautiful. She is a fantastic lady... beautiful both inside and out. If distance wasn't a factor... about once a month I would want to sit on her porch, drink tea and chat. She has an amazing encouraging spirit and always seems to be optismistic even when life clouds loom. She is a WONDERFUL chef and baker. Her claim to fame is baking... but my taste buds can personally testify to her cooking skills. Her facebook often has pictures and descriptions of the fabulous things she is creating in her kitchen. If you are in the greater Charleston SC area... you might be lucky enough to place an order :)
Check out her webpage-- or "like" her on facebook at Sweet C's.
BUT more than her skills in the kitchen-- I LOVE her heart. She and her husband are a major part of our team here in China. Occasionally I will receieve an e-mail from her with words of encouragement... I know she consistently lifts us up to the Father.
Thank you Christine for sending us the beloved spice - cinnamon :) I am blessed to know you and to be able to call you friend.

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Sweet Smiles

Every day is more and more fun. Sweet smiles, giggles and personality all on display. He moves ALL the time... you can only steal snuggles in the morning :)
My prayer for him recently-- Father, let Parker's life be a display of the fruits of the Spirit that all may see him and know YOUR glory.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hello friends-
So I just made Wes' favorite bread (Cinnamon Sugar loaf) and realized that we are almost out of cinnamon. Our family just sent a box... so I am putting it out there... anyone want to send us some cinnamon :) E-mail me ( if you can and will send us some. I will do a post all about the person that is our cinnamon supplier :)
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We almost had heat...

One of our "space heating" units is a big tower that sits inside... and connects to a box on the outside of the window. Once our breakers started working... the "box on the outside" stopped :) haha. We almost had warmth. There was a THICK layer of ice all around the coils. While Parker was napping, Wes and I dumped buckets and buckets of warm water on the coils in hope to melt the ice. After about an hour of water pouring, we were able to get the ice off in chunks. Then... happy day :) we have warm air blowing again. I am so thankful for a husband that can fix things -- even Chinese things :)
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Friday, February 17, 2012

What's for Dinner?

Recently I haven't wanted to leave the apartment :) I went to the store when we got home and got our fridge stocked back with normal items but not too much. When I got home (remember going to the store is NEVER a quick trip) I realized I was out of oil. It is very hard to cook anything in China without a little oil... so I have gotten creative. Last night we had a complete winner!! Totally made up and delicious. I really wanted pizza but we don't have cheese in Hengyang- so I started to think. I had some tomato paste (add some spices and have a sauce), homemade sausage, 1/2 and onion and zuchini... put it all togther and volia... zuchinni boats. Super yummy. If I was in the States or some other place with cheese, I would have added cheese to the top BUT it was great without.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What we came home to...

I have noticed recently that the most adorable little boy in the world has taken over my blog. :) We are still in China :) so I thought I would share a story about our Chinese home.

We were in sunny hot beautiful Thailand where the average temperature was 85 degrees for a little bit. (I mentioned before we have our Annual Company Conference in Chiang Mai)
We came back to Hengyang to a temperature of 40 degrees and rainy outside. The school requires us to unplug all electronics while we are gone... so the temperature inside was 41 degrees F.
So... you might be thinking- plug the house back in and get it warm. We are below the Yellow River- we don't have central heat but we do have space heaters. We plug them in and start to knock of the chill when the power goes off.
That is where these pictures come into play...

These beauties are the breakers outside our door (in the stairwell) Wes went out to flip the breaker and it wouldn't flip. Wes is a super amazing man that can fix anything... but here in Hengyang-- there isn't a Lowes Home Improvement or Home Depot or even a Brukes Brothers Hardware. We called for a repairman- he was suppose to be at our house in the "late morning" 2:00 pm rolls around- we all have on layers of clothes and Wes decides take things into his amazing fix anything hands. He shuts off the power to the whole apartment complex and removes the breaker. About 20 minutes later... he comes back with the right parts. Just about the time he has it all put together - the repairman shows up. End result all the same- we have power :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I did a post a little while back about Goals. One goal I have for 2012 is to read at least one fiction and one non-fiction book each month. Fiction is not a problem for me... I love to get lost in the characters and picture the story in my imagination. Non-fiction-- not always so great at "getting lost" in.
However, I am on my way to accomplishing my goal. The book I chose for January was How to Win Friend and Influence People
I have to admit... I did wait until Jan. 20 to get started- but it is a great book. I learned so much about interpersonal relationships (my college degree also dealt with this) I put a lot of what I learned into practice as I saw friends serving in various parts of China. I recommend this book to ALL.

I am on my way in February with my non-fiction already (I didn't want to leave it for last) This month I have chosen a book that will help me be a better wife.
Becoming the Woman of His Dreams

I am currently 60% of the way through the book. I am really enjoying the advice the author has. I also LOVE the fact she grew up in North Carolina... just a little tie to home.

A couple fiction recommendations for you
My Uncle Jess (stole this pic from the internet)wrote a WONDERFUL novel called Wings of Forever.

This is a great story of a pilot that goes on a mission. The story has a hint of love, danger, thrill and is just plain good story. If you have a kindle-- do what I did and buy it. You will enjoy it greatly.
Other Fiction from January
Song of Redemption - 2nd book in Lynn Austin Gods and Kings Series
Runaway Pastor's Wife (excellent book) by Diane Moody
When Love Finds You in Sunset Beach - by all time favorite author- Robin Jones Gunn

What have you been reading?? Any good recommendation for me to add to my list?

Sitting Up

This morning's picture-- Parker sitting up all by himself :)
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

One Month Catch-up

So... school has been out since the day after Christmas... the students returned to their hometowns... Hengyang became a ghost town (well... all the English speakers - gone)... the weather got SUPER cold... our power shut off... SO... we ran to the warm weather of Thailand. Well that is the short version of it :)

We left China wearing layers and layers to stay warm started shedding them along the way. When we got to Bangkok, the temperature was a steamy 95 degrees... and warmly welcomed. We decided to go to the beach for a week. We stayed at a place that is for M workers all over Asia. It was so refreshing to meet other workers.
Parker LOVED being in shorts and a t-shirt ... with no socks.
We introduced him to the pool and the ocean. He seemed to like it. Sometimes we would even bring Parker's Peapod down by the pool and let him nap in luxury :)
And sometimes, he would just relax in the lounger.
He loved to hold our drinks for us :)

One of our favorite things to do was... enjoy great coffee. China really lacks in the coffee department- so one of our favorite outings was to a coffee shop called Wawee. We would go... get a latte and a comfy place to sit and chat or read books
We met an amazing couple from the UK. They are serving in Loas. They also shared our love for coffee and conversation... so many days we would go together and share about how the Father is working through us. Such an amazing couple. They own a restaurant/travel business in Loas. They live and operate the restaurant without running water. WOW... it puts a lot in perspective. We don't have much in HY... but we DO have running water (most of the time)
Most of you remember that we have our Annual Conference in Thailand every January(ish) It was a time of refreshment (physically, spiritually and emotionally)
Michael Card was our speaker again. He did a wonderful job of getting us in the Word even graced us with some wonderful music.
One thing that really meant a lot to me during conference was the baby dedication. It was such a special service. Wes and I wrote a prayer of dedication for Parker and asked the Father to equip us to raise him up in the way of the Lord. Michael Card ended the dedication with a special song for the babies.
Another favorite thing was seeing all of our friends that are serving in different cities around China. We would trade stories and laughter. I didn't take any pictures with our friends (I really regret this) BUT one of our good couple-friends has a 7 year of boy, Trey,- Parker fell in LOVE with Trey. He was so good at getting Parker to smile and laugh. So cute.
I know I might be bias... but we have the HAPPIEST ... CUTEST baby alive!!
And ... here is my favorite picture from the whole trip.
This is just a glimpse of our adventure... not everything went perfectly according to plans... including missing a flight which resulted in an overnight train... BUT Wes and I said-- if you look at life as an adventure-- the "problems" that you encounter- simply become part of the adventure.
We are back in China now. It is GREAT to be home... but we are missing the warm. It is SUPER cold (inside and out... as we don't have central heating) We are enjoying seeing our friends again (some of them are even bringing us "special" foods from their hometown- yikes.
We have 5 months left in our China Adventure... and we are so excited to see how the Father moves through us.