
Saturday, April 28, 2012

More of my Sweet P

Everything goes in my mouth.  EVERYTHING!!

Covering my area... why am I naked??

Too cute for my overalls!!
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blessing from the Father

I have already introduced you to Terence on the blog... but I wanted to do another little post about him.  He has been such a blessing to us. 

Coming a little late to Hengyang (because of P's birth) and having a team full of new foreigner... a lot of the relationships we built were "take over" (per say) before we got back.  Since I am at home most of the time and do not have classrooms full of students - it has been harder to make friends BUT the Father brought Terence into our lives.  He is an amazing brother!  We both like shopping and McDonalds (so that is a huge bonus)

Terence is in Hengyang for just a short time (he lives in Beijing but Hengyang is his hometown)  He came home to get his drivers license (he is 26) and spend some time with his family.  He will leave for Beijing just after my birthday. 

Terence went with us to get our pictures done.
P boy LOVES Terence.  He held him for us while we were getting our "couples shots"  Most of Chinese friends (boys) will hold P for about a second and give him back but Terence is always saying "Give me Parker" :)  It is so nice to know he loves our son too :)
Anyways-- I am so thankful for him and for his friendship. 
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Outdoor gym/Adult Playground

Not so sure if I classify this as a "playground" because in my mind that still is slides, swings and sandboxes... maybe outdoor gym ??  Recently our apartment complex has been doing projects to improve the outdoor common areas... Hengyang has had so many changes in our 2 short years... it has become a much easier (somewhat more convenient city to live in)  There still aren't many "western" things... but it is definitely becoming nicer city. 

Here is the equipment you can see the bike-thing in the background and then ab twisters.

Pull-up bars :)  I love it... no matter what country you live in... exercise equipment is used as a coat rack :)  haha

There is also an elliptical type thing that is not picture.  Thank you apartment complex for cleaning up the "block" :)
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Another family shot from our photos :) 
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wes Birthday Present to Me :)

For my birthday this year, Wes gave me some professional pictures at a Chinese studio.  We had SO much fun!!  Here are some of my favorites!! 

My sweet baby with his glow worm

Me and P boy

We took some in Traditional Tang Dynasty clothing...

Family Pics (I will post some more of these family shots... a lot of them are really good)

Little Man

The two men in my life.  LOVE them :) 

I have about 168 more photos :)  But these are my favorites.  Great birthday present!!  Thank you Wes!  Love you!!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Basketball and English

Wes has been playing a lot of basketball this semester as a way of exercise and building relationships with students... and because it is plain fun!!  (I wish I could play)
This past Saturday, P and I went out to watch/ enjoy the beautiful day!  Here are some shots from my shady seat.

Me and P :)

And lastly, something COMPLETELY hilarious!!  This is a real English textbook in China... check out the dialogue!  :) 
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chinese Graveyard

So it rained for about a week... and then there was blue sky :)  a rare but treasured day in China!  We decided to go for a walk to the "countryside"  Don't think rolling hills and green grass.
We stumbled across this graveyard.  It is the first graveyard I have seen in China.  I am pretty sure that they do not "bury" the dead here but cremate. (disclaimer- I could be wrong on that)
Anyways... it was very interesting to check out the graveyard. 
Here it is from afar

And here is the entry-- I was amazed it was full of trash (I don't know why I was amazed as all of Hengyang looks like this... but...)
Just recently the Chinese celebrated a holiday called "Tomb Sweeping Day" On this holiday, relatives go to the graves of their ancestors and "sweep the tomb" however... I don't think this is "sweep" as in clean (I'm not Sherlock Holmes but this doesn't look swept)... I think it is more like go burn paper money, take food and pray the ancestors. 

Here was a newer section of the grave yard.  This is the area that we found a chicken carcass decomposing... talking maggots and a smell that will cause you to rethink lunch.  This was also the point that an older Chinese lady came up to us and said "what are you looking for?"  We proceeded to tell her we were just looking... I think she thought we must be looking to purchase a plot because she walked us to an area where there was an empty spot and said "here... this isn't too expensive." Then she told us it was bad to have Parker in the grave yard.

Up close shot of a grave

A relative burning paper money for her deceased relative.

P boy :) Just woke up from a little nap.

On the way back home we saw this old Chinese house- still being used.
Many times I see things in China and wonder- "how old is this?"  I don't have an answer ... but looks old to me :)

A very interesting walk :)
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Toy Box

As soon as I sit P down to play... he rolls onto his belly and scootches finds his toy box.  He will take a toy out and look at it... if it is of interested the toy goes straight to his mouth... if it isn't "right" it gets tossed on the floor and the next toy gets picked.  It is so funny.  I love to watch him choose his toys.
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Totally Describes Hengyang

New Car and Pig Truck
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Tooth Brush

Two teeth need a tooth brush :)
I was at the store and thought - why not?  He LOVES it!! 
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Still Sweater Weather


We had a few warm days... but it is still long sleeves weather.
Really... I just wanted to post these adorable pictures of Parker but needed a Title for the Post... so there you have it- weather update and cute photos  :)
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Easter Family Photo

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