
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Exciting News... no we are not having a baby!!

This week, I went for a walk with our Father. Some of the time I was just quite and listening... other moments I was sharing my heart. I am homesick... at times I feel like I'm not having an impact and China isn't always the "easy life" BUT He is so faithful. He reminded my heart of my call. It was that simple... what is your call... remember it.
I came home from my walk encouraged. I went to class (all of whom are having respect issues... meaning they aren't respecting their teacher) Regardless of the lack of respect (at times) the lesson went good. I have office hours after my Tuesday classes. I left class and headed up the office. Generally, I am exhausted after teaching for 4 hours... this day was no exception. I went into the office with many students already eager to chat. One of my students and her friend sought me out... we sat on the couches and talked about everything from cooking to guns in America-- it is amazing how the conversation flows. After about an hour of talking, one of the girls said she wanted to buy The Book in English and asked me where she could purchase it. The other girl was excited to hear her friend say this and said she also wanted to buy one. I asked them if they knew much about The Book... both of them said "no" but they wanted to learn more. I was so excited to hear about the interest of their hearts. I offered to meet with them and teach them more. How exciting. After reflecting back on my day... I saw how faithful the Father is to encourage my heart and to fulfill His purpose-- to bring Himself glory. Praise HIM!!


  1. I'm always amazed at the Father's timing. Perfect every time! Very encouraging news.

  2. Wow, Travis and I have had those same thoughts - missing home, wondering why we're here, and if we will ever have an impact. We, too, were reminded of the call. Thank you for sharing your story! It is so exciting to see how he works when our hearts are aligned with his will. Keep us informed of how this relationship progresses!

  3. How exciting! Thanks for that report. It is encouragement to me, too.
