
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


One of the things that gives me great fulfillment in life is leading girls in B. study. This year I have the privilege of facilitating a B. study with the girls on the team. We are using Faithful, Abundant, True by Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer as a guide for conversation. This weeks lesson has been on talking to the Father. Priscilla has challenged us with our view of the Father and how we talk to Him. She encourages us to take ALL things to Him and know that He has the power to do ALL things.
A goal I have for myself this year is to be more faithful in my pr life. I want to be the person that says "I will lift you up" and then DO IT. Since I have gotten to HY, I have been very intentional in my prs. This morning I decided to go for an exercise walk on the track (don't picture an American track... but it is a dirt "track" around the soccer field.) I put sleeping Parker in the carrier and we head out. As I am walking, I get the idea to pr as I walk around the track. I decide that each "lap" will be a different focused pr-- for example- I had a thankful lap, what concerns my heart lap, pr for Wes lap, family lap, team lap, student lap etc... I ended with a Praise song cool down. It was such a refreshing time. I recommend it to all :) Spend quality time talking to the Father, pour out all your concerns and wait expectantly for Him to answer.
Oh and I just happen to have the cutest little pr partner in all of Hengyang. He woke up for the Praise song lap. :)

If you have anything you would like for me to lift-up... send me a note to my e-mail. I will be faithful to remember you.

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