29 year old Birthday celebration -- Love you Wesley
28 week(ish) until Thailand
27th Going Away Party
26 Items on ever growing "To-Do" List
25 cups of yogurt to eat (I will miss you Yoplait and Dannon)
24 hours of travel
23 weeks until Thanksgiving (trying to cook a Turkey in a "toaster size oven" :-)
22 Hugs and kisses
21 Tears to Cry- We will miss all of you!!
20 workout classes at the Y
19th of July -ZOO with Kate, Russ and two beautiful children!!
18 more $500.00 one time donor gifts
17 Facebook friends with July Birthdays
16 kids and 46 adults RSVPed for Party :-)
15 Bags of Trash
14 minutes to create this countdown
13 items in freezer to eat
12 Hour Flight to Beijing
11th of July- Commissioning Service at Capital Community Church
10 more open fellowship opportunities
9 Rooms to clean
8 days of State-side training
7 Bills to Cancel
6 Suitcases to pack
5 Books to read
4 papers to write
3 days of work for Wes
2 carry ons
1 house to sell
Oh, golly goodness this sounds like us! So glad that you posted this! I am praying friend!