
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's a Leap

Today over Ham sandwiches and Cheetos... Wes and I begin talking about what is always at the center of my mind-- our HOUSE!! One side of the discussion leads to "what if" or "how will we" Along side of Wes' arms, tears streaming down my face... I hear a something say to me... "it's a leap of faith" That phrase continued to flash across my mind... "it's a leap of faith" I am realizing that these "leaps" are not easy... on the contrary... very challenging. I continually think about after this part of the struggle is over and I'm looking back at how the Father provided-- how sweet it will be to see His provision. Just as the birds of the air and the flowers in the fields are taken care of... so will He provide for me.
Oh give me the ability to be one of the righteous that lives by faith.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I here you friend. Read this...particularly the end
    We will both count fish in about a year...and we will be amazed...and our faith will be grown
