
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Potty Time

I started putting Parker on the potty around 5 months old.  I just thought it would be a good introduction for him.  I have read about kids that are potty trained early... I have a lot of time around the house... why not :) 
He successfully pee pees on the potty before and after nap time.  Today- I noticed him getting the "poopie face" -- why not try - ran through my mind... so I scooped him up and we went to the potty.  SUCCESS!!  I am so excited- my little boy (7 months) pooped on the potty.  I realize that I am more training myself to his cues... but still... we did a celebration dance in the Thomas house!! 
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1 comment:

  1. that's awesome!!! :D hehehe that's what my sister does for my niece who is 10 months and also started at 5 months! she even claps her hands after she goes poop.. you just gotta catch them at the right time and read their faces hehe congrats to parker! i'm sure it's nice to go through less diapers too!
