
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blessing from the Father

I have already introduced you to Terence on the blog... but I wanted to do another little post about him.  He has been such a blessing to us. 

Coming a little late to Hengyang (because of P's birth) and having a team full of new foreigner... a lot of the relationships we built were "take over" (per say) before we got back.  Since I am at home most of the time and do not have classrooms full of students - it has been harder to make friends BUT the Father brought Terence into our lives.  He is an amazing brother!  We both like shopping and McDonalds (so that is a huge bonus)

Terence is in Hengyang for just a short time (he lives in Beijing but Hengyang is his hometown)  He came home to get his drivers license (he is 26) and spend some time with his family.  He will leave for Beijing just after my birthday. 

Terence went with us to get our pictures done.
P boy LOVES Terence.  He held him for us while we were getting our "couples shots"  Most of Chinese friends (boys) will hold P for about a second and give him back but Terence is always saying "Give me Parker" :)  It is so nice to know he loves our son too :)
Anyways-- I am so thankful for him and for his friendship. 
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