
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Confessions of an Anxious Heart

I have decided to participate in a ladies Bible study at my church that meets on Tuesday mornings. Yesterday was our first day. As I sat there waiting for things to start- I was reminded of the first day of school. So many people you don't know, so many anxieties- will I make any friends, do I have anything in teeth, what of nobody "likes" me... Likely you remember all of these too. Why were they coming to mind after years and years of being out of school- I was feeling them all over again. The first day is always so awkward and I always feel like I don't quite fit in. Everybody seemed to know each other and have a "buddy."
Regardless- I have made a commitment to go and prepare to hear from the Lord. I know He is going to do amazing things through the study- why else would Satan be trying so hard to get me not to go back?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing that avery! i have a feeling i will be feeling the same way too after i get married and move to a new place and have no friends! it's hard.. hope he'll provide some really good friends and sisters for you in that group!!
