
Monday, July 26, 2010

Last bit of Thomas Family Fun... Karen and I were watching TV, we saw a commercial that had people throwing balloons filled with paint. We got to talking about how much fun it would be to throw those :-) Then Karen said "I have balloons" One idea lead to another and "hello water balloons." We decided to do this without the boys knowledge. We got them to agree to go down to the pool and then balloons started flying. 24 balloons later and a nice late night swim, we capture the night with a photo in our suits. Great fun!!

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  1. Great photos and blogging. I love the idea of a water balloon fight. We'll have to bring that idea to Asia.

  2. Wes & Avery, I am so sorry that I didn't make a phone call before you left. I got your email yesterday and tried to call you but didn't go through.
    I hope you are already in China safely when you read this. Give me your phone number that can reach you in China. I would love to call you...
