
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top 10 Reasons We Can't Wait to Get to China

10. Eating for under $3.00 per day
9. Learning that people are not deaf... they just don't know English. It doesn't matter how loud you say it... the results are the same :-)
8. Washing clothes and letting them drip dry
7. People wanting to play/touch my hair
6. Cooking everything in a wok
5. Every day looking like a chance of rain
4. Not having to drive in traffic or sit at Red lights
3. The peace sign in all our pictures
2. Reuniting with Special Agent Booth and Tempie on Season 6 of Bones bought without U.S. copy right laws and it being ok
1. Watching Wes eat dog and cat while I enjoy a melody of vegetables :-)


  1. #10. Piece of cake!
    #8. You might not be so excited about that come December when things take over a week to dry!
    #7 I'm quite familiar with that! You probably won't get it as much as me though!
    #4 You'll wish there were more traffic lights in Hengyang, because sometimes they really need them!
    #1 If he wants to eat dog, he won't have to go far at all!

    Warmly welcome you to Hengyang!

  2. Thanks Jenn for the comment :-) it made our day!! Not long at all now.

  3. I can certainly do #6. But # 8 is a different story. I like my clothes fluffy. But, the good side is that your clothes will last longer. :-)

  4. I am really love a dryer... but you can't beat optimism :-)
