
Monday, March 28, 2011

Exciting day in the Import Aisle

Up to this point in my pregnancy-- I haven't had caffeine. (Please don't ask about Chocolate... this is a totally different category and not included in my lack of caffeine exposure... I LOVE CHOCOLATE)
I know different people hold different views about caffeine during pregnancy.
It has been quite a challenge because China does not believe in caffeine-free options- such as: Decaf Coffee, Decaf Tea, Caffeine-free coke etc... Needless to say, my options have been juice or water (and rationing some decaf peppermint tea my mom sent from America)
BUT all changed this week during my trip to the local super market. I never miss the opportunity to linger down the import aisle. Most imported products are from Korea but this week there is favor in Hengyang-- Starbucks Fraps. Now if you know me (probably only my mom knows this because she funded the habit) but Fraps in the Freeze are the BEST way to make any day WHOLE!! (the slightly frozen frap was always accompanied with a pack of Lance crackers around 9:30 or 10:00 am) And today... Baby Thomas will experience the first taste of caffeine. There is a Frap in my Freezer and Lance in my pants :-)

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