
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 11. Post a recipe.

I am a huge fan of hot beverages in the winter time (yes I am aware it was over 100 degrees outside today)
Despite the heat outside today, remember it will get cold outside again and you will be wanting something hot and comforting to drink-- this is one of my favorite hot drink mixtures. It reminds me of my mom!!

Friendship Tea

What you need:
  • 1/2 cup instant tea powder
  • 1 cup sweetened lemonade powder
  • 1 cup orange-flavored drink mix (e.g. Tang)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
How to make it:
  1. In a large bowl, combine instant tea, lemonade powder, orange drink mix, cinnamon and clove. Mix well and store in an airtight container.
  2. To serve, Put 2 to 3 teaspoons of mix in a mug. Stir in 1 cup of boiling water. Adjust to taste.

Day. 10 What is your biggest pet-peeve?

Running behind. It drives me crazy to not be on time- there is generally a certain time that I want to leave the house... we don't have to leave a minute before that time... but once that time rolls around- we better be out the door.

Other pet-peeves
- people chewing with their mouth open or smacking their lips... really noises (other than talking and laughing) while eating
- people telling you how you should feel or what you should think
- in China- Children peeing in the trashcan or sinks

We all have them... pet-peeves... ways for us to extend grace to others-- just a thought. What is your biggest pet-peeve??

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?

Definition of Virtue- A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person

I decided to research virtues a little before posting today. It was easy for me to read about the different virtues and say... "oh I love this in people" ... therefore it was easy for me to see what areas would be great for me to work on.

Virtues I value in myself--

Discretion- judgement, sense and wisdom. I feel like the Father has granted me the ability to be a good judge of character. I truly value and appreciate this. I know that I can trust my instincts.

Faith- complete confidence in a set of beliefs.

Punctuality- the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time. This - I no doubt got from my father... who got from his father :-) Even though I know this promptness can drive people crazy at time... I feel it is so important. I heard in a movie one time "being late screams selfishness" Even though I never thought of it this way before hearing it... it makes sense. I am NOT judging those who have a tendency to be late BUT as for me... I value punctuality in myself.

How about you- what virtues do you value in yourself??

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!

I don't know if any knowledge I possess is actually a secret-- but I can share some tips.

1. Make sure you don't skimp on cleaners and moisturizers for your face. I use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer purchased from my Dermatologist.

2. Drink Water!! Lots of water helps with good body conditions.

3. Hair-- I don't really think I have much advice in this category... I constantly fight with my humidity makes it frizzy, half way curly hair, never really long enough hair.
Advice-- if you can (not trying to cover up greys) go with your natural color. You really don't need to dye or highlights- God made the color specifically for your head- it's beautiful. Expensive shampoo really is better than the cheap stuff. Don't forget you heat protection products before you flat iron or curl.

4. Make-up- Ulta has GREAT eye-shadows (their own brand), good make-up brushes are expensive but worth the investment, go as natural as you can :-) I really like the mineral powders for light dusting and just a touch of Mascara to make you feel like your lashes are longer. ALWAYS have lip balm on. Shiny or colored lips make your whole face pop. Current favorites- Nivea A Kiss of Shine, Bath and Body Works C.O. Bigelow Mint or Cinnamon and for one expensive one-- Fresh Sugar.

5. A splash of fragrance is nice :-) everybody is different but find one that makes you smile (and smells good on you) :-) Just a little will do... don't need to overwhelm people.

Ok... there is my beauty blog... again nothing secret... just some personal advice.

For all you men--
-Don't skimp on washing and moisturizing your face... men get wrinkles too.
-Old Spice Deodorant is nice!
-Altoids for nice fresh breath.
-Get your hair cut regularly... it looks better.
-Don't wear make-up but a little Burt's Bees Chapstick never hurt a man.

Day 7. Do you believe in the "cry until he sleeps" method?

Yes ... right now... but all things can change right??

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 6. Your most embarrassing moment

Although I am sure I have had some embarrassing moments... I am having trouble coming up with a MOST embarrassing moment or even an embarrassing moment blog worthy.
So I got the bright idea to share Wes' most embarrassing moment and his response "I have never been embarrassed in my life." OH MY!!
So... what do we learn from this?? yes I have walked out of the bathroom with my skirt tucked into my panty hose... yes I have fallen down and up the stairs... yes I was "embarrassed" by teachers throughout my years in Elementary, Middle, High School and College
maybe I have learned the important lesson my parents tried to teach me growing up-- you've got to learn to laugh at yourself.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive

Naturally I thought of God first, Wes second and my parent third... BUT I wanted to write to my baby boy!

Dear Baby Boy Thomas,
We are so excited for your arrival!! We have been planning, buying and packing your bags for China. My heart truly leap for joy the first time I felt you move in my womb. Today, your space is getting tighter and tighter and I feel you wiggle, hiccup and squirm all the time. I love to watch my belly and see you try to get comfortable. Your Daddy and I want to be the best godly loving parents possible. Can't wait to see your little face!!



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 4. Post a photo of your favorite outfit

Currently, I don't have a favorite outfit... maybe because right now I can't wear any of my normal clothes and I don't have a favorite pregnancy outfit. BUT if I could pick out something to wear today from my non-maternity clothes it would be something like the picture above. I LOVE Under Armour shirts (this one is a heat-gear loose fit shirt) -- they are great and comfortable!! A pair of blue jeans and keen shoes. The only thing that would make this outfit better is a hat :-)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 3. A photo that makes you happy.

Because I can't just choose one :-)
Here are several in no particular order of happiness

My Mom

Tubing with my Dad and Sister

Love this smile!! Nicole bobbing for apples

My Beautiful Grandma who is with the Lord

My Fun Husband

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?

Last night before I went to bed, I looked at the question for the blog post... uniquely you... I woke up thinking about it :-) This is somewhat of a difficult question. I feel like many things I could say make me... me- somebody could equally say- I am like that. Such as, growing up my Dad always said I am "A very special girl" or I am very flexible or as some people say bendy. I can bend my thumb back and touch my arm, I LOVE my family!! There is nothing I would rather do than spend time with my husband... BUT does this make me unique??
By definition unique means "existing as the only one, limited in occurrence."
Then I started to think about how God formed all of us to be completely unique and different... we have different moles, beauty marks and even scars. For example- Wes has a birth mark that resembles a flying pig on his stomach. I have a birth mark of a peanut on my leg. There is a mole on my tragus (a specific part of your ear) I have a scar on my leg from not properly using the breaks on my bicycle as a child and as a result running into a tree. Right now, I have a little baby boy in my womb that God is knitting together-- unique parts of both Wes and me. The way He forms us is incredible. Think about it... make makes you unique?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 1. What age do you miss the most?

As I think back about the earliest I can remember and the years following... I can't help but to think how I loved it all!! I had a great childhood.
I mean 5 years old was great- Spring time with Grandma, Kindergarten with Mrs. Owen (affectionately known as Mrs. Owl to all students), playing outside, my first TV commercial debut (and my last), dresses with Chuck Taylor shoes and long blond hair in a pony-tail. You can see here a cake for my 21st birthday with that great 5 year old photo.

But 7 years old was also a great age. My parents took my sister and I on a BIG RV trip around America. We saw everything from Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon to the Golden Gate Bridge.

High School was also a great age... I pretty much have great memories from High School- particularly my Senior year. What isn't to love about off-campus lunches, Ford Ranger sidestep pickup truck, great friends= fun times, Senior Picnic, Senior Prom, LEAD class where I did my internship at Wake Forest Pediatrics... my dad even let me practice drawing his blood.
My Dad is awesome!! He didn't even flinch and he told me I could have as many sticks with the needle as necessary :-) until the blood started to flow. Thankfully it only took one try.
High School was fun... BUT then there was college and for 2.5 years- college with my MOM!! That was awesome. We had so much fun together at Wake Tech and NCSU.

Pretending to study in the library...

My college friend- Kate- who to this day remains one of the best friends in my life.

Or good friends... who were there for a season and you stop and wonder what is going on with them today-
Love you Beth!!

Or my friends from Saks Fifth Avenue

Then right after college... I mean 22 was great!! I met the love of my life! Dating was great!! Rascal Flatts Concerts, long walks at night, Cookout Milkshakes, Biltmore, Hiking... we had a blast.

Or maybe 23... when I got engaged.

Or maybe it was age 23 and a half... when I got married.

Or maybe it is 27 ... pregnant with our first son.
After full contemplation- my mind cannot be made up. All my years have been good. Of course I have had down times... broken arm, broken hearts, saying good-bye (miss you Grandma)
To pick a most missed ... can't seem to do it... but love the thoughts of all the great ages I have had.

**Note- you do see that I completely left out the "Middle-School" age... I would say this would be my most awkard age... and therefore not missed!! :-)

31 day blog challenge

So ... it is summer time and I have had some trouble keeping up with posting on the blog- mainly because I don't have much to say. I got an idea from another blog to do a 31 day blog project.
Here are the next 31 days topics.
Day 1. What age do you miss the most?
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.
A photo that makes you happy
Day 4. Post a picture of your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6. Your m
ost embarrassing moment
Day 7.
Do you believe in the "cry until he sleeps" method?
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.What is your biggest pet-peeve?

Day 11. Post a recipe.
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.
A YouTube video
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.
What do you wish for?
Day 16. Do you have an re-occurring dreams?
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. If you could, what would you tell yourself before you got married?
Day 19. Write about your significant other
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write about your most vivid childhood memory.
Day 22.
What did you do today?
Day 23.
Who's your celebrity look alike?
Day 24. What is God teaching you presently?
Day 25. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Who are your favorite bloggers?
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Your day, in great detail
Day 30.
What do you think is going to happen to you after you die?
Day 31. Your favorite quote

Do you want to join me in the blogging project?? Link up with me... lets have some fun!!
**Note: If I go into labor and have a baby in the middle of this project-- project will come to an end :-)