
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Award goes to....

Announcing the "Husband of the Year Award"
Drum roll please.............
He beat out all competition...

Please give it up for ~~ WESLEY THOMAS!!!

Wes surprised me yesterday with another one of my cravings (it could be pregnancy related or simply related to being American... but either way you cannot find it in HY)
Cereal (you cannot find any cereal in HY... but specifically my craving- Multi-grain Cheerios)

Wes found a way to order cereal on-line with
It is amazing- you can order and pay in cash when it comes or order and pay with card. Last nights dinner at 8:00 (we both teach late on Mondays) A BIG BOWL OF CEREAL covered with Chinese milk and a banana. Delicious. And can you guess what was for breakfast this morning (even though I have homemade bread on the counter...) a bowl of cereal with milk :) The best mornings start out with a great husband and a nutritious breakfast.


  1. We have these available and I eat them often, too. But they don't taste so multi-grainy, do they to you?! I think they have a coating of sugar on them. Either way, cereal is yummy!

  2. Hey Ashley... I'm not too sure about the multi-grain-- to me they taste DELICIOUS!!! BUT I haven't had cereal in about 10 months :-) it was an amazing surprise.
