
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meet Christine

I mentioned that I would blog about the sweet person that volunteered to send me Cinnamon... and here she is :)
Christine (I took this photo from her facebook page)
Isn't she beautiful. She is a fantastic lady... beautiful both inside and out. If distance wasn't a factor... about once a month I would want to sit on her porch, drink tea and chat. She has an amazing encouraging spirit and always seems to be optismistic even when life clouds loom. She is a WONDERFUL chef and baker. Her claim to fame is baking... but my taste buds can personally testify to her cooking skills. Her facebook often has pictures and descriptions of the fabulous things she is creating in her kitchen. If you are in the greater Charleston SC area... you might be lucky enough to place an order :)
Check out her webpage-- or "like" her on facebook at Sweet C's.
BUT more than her skills in the kitchen-- I LOVE her heart. She and her husband are a major part of our team here in China. Occasionally I will receieve an e-mail from her with words of encouragement... I know she consistently lifts us up to the Father.
Thank you Christine for sending us the beloved spice - cinnamon :) I am blessed to know you and to be able to call you friend.

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1 comment:

  1. Wish you guys were closer too. We certainly would sit on the porch and enjoy each others company.
