Some of our friends that live in a big city in China helped us get Parker a new toy :) Cosco walker-- a welcomed addition. When we got home from Thailand, Parker made it clear that he wasn't having anything to do with his bouncy seat... gone were the days of him sitting contently while I cook dinner or washed clothes.
So... the solution (since it is not great to hold a little squimmy one while stir-frying veggies) a walker. Parker LOVES it. He can only move backwards right now. We will put toys on the tray for him to play with... he loves to throw them on the floor and then look at them and squeel. He will often back himself into another room.
The look on his face silently displays his new noise. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" (while sucking in his bottom lip)
He is so cute. He looks surprised.